Katherine Black has joined the cast of the animated series, Misphits. Katherine will voice Mila, the youngest of the group with a childlike persona that just seems to annoy everyone else.

 Katherine Black was born in New York City on April 9th 1984 and raised in Larchmont, NY where she graduated Mamaroneck High School in 2003. Even though New York is in her Heart, she had a lovely time in Vermont for four years where she went to Johnson State College where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Theater Arts with a Dance Minor in 2007.

 “I have no doubt that Katherine will bring pure awesomeness to this character in ways that no writer has thought of yet. She’s going to crush it! I guarantee it. But don’t hold me to it. Hold her.” Romane Orlando Robb (Creator/Executive Producer/Writer/Director)

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