Q). Do you guys only create games for specific platforms?
A). We’re very platform agnostic. We believe in developing and publishing games for a global audience.
Q). How can I join GeniusEmpire’s E-Sports teams?
A). Robb Sports Group Corporation (robbsg.com) manages our E-Sports teams. You can contact them for more information.
Q). How do I get GeniusEmpire to publish my game?
A). Email us some information about your game and if we’re interested then we’ll get back to you. Thank you!
Q). I am a developer; how do I work with you guys?
A). Email us your resume and tell us a bit about yourself. If we like what we read then you’ll definitely be hearing from us.
Q). I have more questions; how do I get in touch with you?
A). You can always email us: info@geniusempirecorp.com.