REM: Let’s get started. Please tell our amazing readers who you are and where you’re from.
VICTORIA: My name is Victoria Pagac and I’ve lived in the same house in Waterford Township Michigan my entire life.
REM: At what age did you get started in comics; and why?
VICTORIA: I first started reading comics way back in 1987 at the young age of ten. My brother bought me a copy of Marvel’s Savage She Hulk comic as a gift and I’ve been hooked ever since. In fact I’m still a big fan of the character to this very day.
REM: What inspired you to create Raye Knight?
VICTORIA: I came up with Raye Knight because I wanted to create a comic like the ones I had grown up reading. She’s everything I liked about those comics I read as a kid.
REM: What are you currently working on?
VICTORIA: Right now I’m mainly concentrating on getting the word out about Raye Knight.
REM: How can the readers keep in touch with you and your work?
VICTORIA: I would love to hear from those who are interested in my comic Raye Knight and the best way to contact me would be through my Facebook account.